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June 2011
Board of Registrars

June 7, 2011

Meeting Minutes

  • Meeting was called to order at 9:02AM
  • Attendees: Claire Golding, Rosemary Fudeman, Anne Littlefield, Lynne Grettum
  • Board welcomed Rosemary as its new member, and she was sworn in by Lynne. Rosemary was given a copy of the “Board of Registrars and Election Commissions” document. Rosemary will review and get back to Lynne with any questions.
  • First order of business was to reorganize the board. Claire Golding was unanimously elected chair.
  • Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the February 16, 2011 meeting. The minutes were approved unanimously.      
  • Board reviewed the voter registration process for the Annual Town Election. Lynne explained that the warrant for the Town Election and Town Meeting were combined for the first time this year. Doing so allows the Board to only hold one last day to register for both the election and town meeting. The last day to register for the Town Election and Town Meeting was held on April 19th from 8AM to 8PM. Absentee applications were sent to all Permanent Absentee Voters.
  • Lynne updated the board on Voter Registration Project. The letter and voter registration forms were sent out to 34 residents who would turn 18 by May 7th. We received 13 completed voter registrations. The Board discussed the project and decided to continue the effort. The next mailing will go out around August 1st.
There was some voter registration cards received from Wachusett Regional through the Holden Town Clerk. The Board agreed that we should find a contact at Wachusett so that the efforts can be coordinated. The cards arrived too late to meet the Town Election deadline.
  • The Board reviewed the election schedule for 2012. There are 4 elections next year. The activity will start in November of 2011 with the nomination papers for Town political committees. There has been no discussion from the State Election office about using the electronic ballot process for the 2012 presidential election. The Board did agree that it was a good process and is hoping that it will be used again.
  • Housekeeping items:
  • Street List will be available by the end of June
  • Disposal of Town election ballots will be done in late June – disposition of Town Election ballots occurs 30 days after the election. Ballots are shredded.
  • Shared information from Registrars Seminar
  • Re-titled Nomination Papers/Petition receipt to say Board of Registrars/Town Clerk.
  • Next meeting will be July 12th .
  • A motion was made and seconded to dissolve the meeting. The meeting was dissolved by a unanimous vote at 9:56AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lynne Grettum, Board of Registrars Clerk